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Cambodia News Newsletter Paul Polak Innovation Fund

Polak Fund winners are taking out the trash

We’re very excited to announce the first ever Polak Fund Ignite awardee! This award ($340k) was given to a Cambodian team working toward improving garbage collection and disposal solutions in rural Cambodia. It is thanks to your generous donations that Polak Fund awards like this are available to innovators around the world. Approximately 75% of …

Andrea Wiebe

Ethiopia Ghana News Newsletter Zambia

You did it!

Thanks to the enthusiastic support of our iDE Canada community, WE’VE REACHED OUR FUNDRAISING GOAL OF $780k FOR ‘HER TIME TO GROW!‘ We needed your help to leverage a $7.8 million dollar grant from the Government of Canada, and donors like you came through in record time. The ‘Her Time to Grow’ project is well …

Andrea Wiebe

News Nicaragua

Persistence and passionfruit: How the right tools and determination helped Mélida succeed

Mélida Urrutia knows that sending your kids to school is expensive. Before connecting with iDE, she was not able to cover school fees with the income she earned farming in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. For the past decade she’s been farming in what’s called the “Dry Corridor.” This is an area that experiences frequent climate challenges like …

Andrea Wiebe

News Zambia

From stress to ease

How you are helping ease the burden of life’s expenses. “It used to be when school fees came up, I’d start sweating. I had high blood pressure. Now I just ask, ‘how much?’” This confident quote is from Annie Muleba. She is a business owner from a small village in Zambia. Your care and generosity …

Andrea Wiebe

Ghana News Uncategorized

Hamidatu’s idea, come to life!

How your support is helping make bathroom facilities more affordable in rural Ghana. Hamidatu had an idea. Working in sales at iDE Ghana, she knew that buying a bathroom facility (a structure that includes the toilet, floor, walls, roof, etc.) was becoming too expensive for rural customers. That meant people weren’t getting access to safe …

Andrea Wiebe

Nepal News

Tricho-vermicompost helps Nepali farmer thrive.

Meet Chetan, a farmer from Nepal. Chetan runs a small farm. Like many farmers in his region, he faces a chronic shortage of fertilizer. Fertilizer he needs to help his dragon fruit trees grow and produce more fruit. With the support of iDE Canada donors through the Paul Polak Innovation Fund, three community-managed projects began …

Andrea Wiebe