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Cambodia News Newsletter Paul Polak Innovation Fund

Polak Fund winners are taking out the trash

We’re very excited to announce the first ever Polak Fund Ignite awardee! This award ($340k) was given to a Cambodian team working toward improving garbage collection and disposal solutions in rural Cambodia. It is thanks to your generous donations that Polak Fund awards like this are available to innovators around the world. Approximately 75% of …

Andrea Wiebe

Ethiopia Ghana News Newsletter Zambia

You did it!

Thanks to the enthusiastic support of our iDE Canada community, WE’VE REACHED OUR FUNDRAISING GOAL OF $780k FOR ‘HER TIME TO GROW!‘ We needed your help to leverage a $7.8 million dollar grant from the Government of Canada, and donors like you came through in record time. The ‘Her Time to Grow’ project is well …

Andrea Wiebe

Newsletter Zambia

Salima’s Success

“How am I going to pay rent?” Thoughts like this were what kept Salima Nosiku up at night. A Zambian mother of two, she sold farm supplies, but her store was too small, and sales were slow. Without enough income, she was at risk of losing her store and the ability to provide for her …

iDE Canada

Ghana Newsletter

Do You Dare?

The Polak Fund is risky. That’s the thing about big ideas. You don’t know if they’ll work or not until you test them. As Nadia Campos, iDE’s Director of Global Design says; the Polak Fund “was meant to support projects [and] experiments that other donors will never dare to do.” That’s why we are so …

iDE Canada

Mozambique Nepal Newsletter

40 Under 40: Making a Difference

This year, we are celebrating our 40th anniversary by spotlighting 40 entrepreneurs who are changing their communities and helping end poverty, all before the age of 40. Amina Bacar and Aspara Timilsina are two of the 40 Under 40 entrepreneurs featured. Both possess the strength and commitment to take on traditional gender roles and turn …

iDE Canada