Not Just Potatoes Anymore!

How your generosity has multiplied 20x for female farmers in Ethiopia After two years of no international travel, we were so excited to be back in Ethiopia.
We met with a special group of women who iDE brought together to grow seed potatoes for income in 2014. iDE hasn’t been involved with them for the past five years.
What we found was amazing. And an inspiring reminder of what can happen when caring supporters like you choose to invest in hardworking women thousands of kilometres away.
Not only did the women make the initial project a success, they expanded it into a thriving business! What began as 20 women working one tiny 5 metre by 50 metre plot has grown into profitable farms. Some are as large as one hectare!
The potatoes are healthy and plentiful. But they’ve also diversified their crops: Onions. Kale. Cabbage. And much more! And did we mention livestock? Poultry raising, sheep and goat fattening… all have become key income opportunities. These enterprising women are using the profits to support their families and reinvest in their business.
These women are thriving. They are confident, happy, getting more respect from their husbands, looked to as role models in the community and are extremely proud of their accomplishments.
It’s amazing what the seeds of your generosity can grow into. Thank you for planting them!